St. Mary's Property Owners' Association
All St. Mary's, Alice and Winterland, property owners are invited to join the POA. Annual Membership Dues in the amount of $60 entitle a Member and his/her family to purchase fishing and watercraft badges, and to participate in the various activities and community projects sponsored by the POA each year.
To join the POA and/or purchase badges, please email Payment may be made in the following ways:
- Electronically (strongly preferred). The board will issue an email invoice which may be paid with a card.
- Via mailed check: SMPOA, 271 Silver Creek Rd, Idaho Springs, CO 80452
Meetings of the Board of Directors are regularly held on the Fourth Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 p.m., at the Alice Schoolhouse, located at 271 Silver Creek Road and Via Zoom Meeting. Dates may change periodically, according to director availability. To confirm the date and time of an upcoming meeting, please email
Board Members
Ben Kempsell - President
Frank Brown - Vice President
Vacant - Secretary
JJ Krueger - Treasurer
Ed Hauschild - Director
Mark Muller - Fishing Program Director
Alicia Myers - Event Committee
Rhiannon Deibert - Event Committee
Michelle Ricker - Event Committee
Upcoming POA Meetings
POA Meeting-
January 23rd 7pm
Feburary 20st 7pm
March 19st 7pm
April 16th 7pm
May 28th 7pm
June 18th 7pm
July 23rd 7pm
August 27th 7pm
September 24th 7pm
October 22nd 7pm
November 26th 7pm
December 24th 7pm
Meeting link
ID: 931 5110 2358
Password: 10000
POA Events
3/23/2024 - Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt 10am
(pancake breakfast, egg hunt and crafts)
8/10/2024 - St. Mary's Community Festival 12-4pm
(booths, music, games, food and fun)
10/26/2024 - Halloween Party and Hayride 3pm
(snacks, crafts and the hayride)
12/7/2024 - Holiday Party 3pm
(dinner, crafts and gifts for the kids)
12/21/24 - Holiday Lights Hayride
(cookies, hot cocoa, lights contest)